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플러쉬 (2001)

Libération : 2001-01-01
Genre :
Runtime :
Page d'accueil :
Entreprise :
Jeter : Kang Hye-jung, , /lF4wt0m522K79tgy18ykgDtmsAO.jpg

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Ricordati di Napoli

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Ricordati di Napoli (1958)

Libération : 1958-06-07
Genre : Romance, Comédie, Musique
Runtime :
Page d'accueil :
Entreprise :
Jeter : Aurelio Fierro, Dolores Palumbo, Alberto Lionello, Giulia Rubini, Enzo Turco

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Flipper (2010)

Libération : 2010-01-01
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Expiration Date (2014)

Libération : 2014-06-17
Genre : Comédie, Animation, Action
Runtime : 14 minutes
Page d'accueil :
Entreprise : Valve
Jeter : Ashly Burch, Nathan Vetterlein, Nolan North, Robin Atkin Downes, Dennis Bateman

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Balram v/s Tharadas (2006)

Release : 2006-04-28
Genre : Crime, Thriller
Runtime : 161 minutes
Home Page :
Company : Malayali Cultural Association
Cast : Mammootty, Katrina Kaif, Siddique, Mukesh, Vani Viswanath

Balram vs Tara Das is the sequel of Inspector Balram. Balram (Mammootty) who comes across a huge a cache of arms and ammunitions. Investigations point a finger at don Taradas. His lover Supriya is arrested. So comes Taradas from Dubai to take on the Kerala police. The fight is between evil and good.

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While Prisons Exist ()

Libération :
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Runtime : 68 minutes
Page d'accueil :
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Jeter : Núria Florensa, Roger Vidal, Joan Florescu, Sergi Castell, Israel Zúñiga

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Draft Dodgers (2009)

Release : 2009-01-01
Genre :
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May 1944. A young man just out of college returns to his hometown in Luxembourg. Refusing to fight on the German side, he chooses a clandestine life and joins other deserters in an abandoned mine

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And the Sea Will Tell (1991)

Release : 1991-04-24
Genre : Drama, Crime
Runtime : 179 minutes
Home Page :
Company : Green/Epstein Productions, CPT Holdings Inc., Columbia Pictures Television
Cast : Richard Crenna, Rachel Ward, Hart Bochner, James Brolin, John Kapelos

A wealthy couple (James Brolin and Deidre Hall) are killed on their yacht off the coast of a secluded South American island called Palmyra. The suspects are a hippyish pair (Hart Bochner and Rachel Ward) whom the rich folks had befriended. It’s fairly clear that the hippies were involved in the crime: The question is, did the man do it while the girl looked on helplessly, or was she a willing accomplice?

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Protéa (1913)

Libération : 1913-01-01
Genre : Mystère, Action, Crime
Runtime : 44 minutes
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Entreprise : Société Française des Films Éclair
Jeter : Josette Andriot, Lucien Bataille, Charles Krauss, Henri Gouget, Jacques Feyder

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Terry the Tomboy (2014)

Release : 2014-06-21
Genre :
Runtime : 66 minutes
Home Page :
Company :
Cast : Lia Marie Johnson, Noland Ammon, Charlie DePew, Christopher Bones, Tiffany Espensen

Terry the Tomboy centers around a confident, bacon-loving and shower-deficient tomboy whose summer goal is to win the county fair pie-eating contest. After meeting her new neighbor Brett (Charlie Depew, The Amazing Spiderman), she isn’t so interested in pie anymore and realizes the worst thing has happened — she’s a tomboy who has fallen in love.

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Shield and Spear (2014)

Libération : 2014-06-13
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Runtime : 89 minutes
Page d'accueil : http://shieldspear.com/
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A Man of Sentiment (1933)

Libération : 1933-09-15
Genre : Drame, Romance
Runtime : 62 minutes
Page d'accueil :
Entreprise : Chesterfield Motion Pictures Corporation
Jeter : Marian Marsh, Owen Moore, Christian Rub, William Bakewell, Emma Dunn

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Hotzanak, for your own safety (2013)

Release : 2013-09-01
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Runtime : 5 minutes
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